
CSS Fundamentals: Unlock the Power of Web Styling

CSS Fundamentals: Unlock the Power of Web Styling certificate image



This course offers a comprehensive exploration of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the language that enhances HTML's appearance in the browser. It provides an overview of what CSS is, how it works with HTML, authoring options, and common CSS concepts like the CSS box model, fonts, and color. The course is designed to be flexible, allowing learners to either follow it from start to finish or jump to specific topics of interest. It aims to lay a solid foundation for working with styles on the web, making it a valuable resource for those looking to master the fundamentals of CSS.

Learning Objectives

  • Understanding what CSS is and how it works with HTML.
  • Learning common CSS concepts.
  • Exploring the cascade, specificity, and inheritance in CSS.
  • Creating layouts with flexbox, grid, and frameworks.
  • Using browser tools and validation tools for CSS.

Certificate Issuer

