
Drumroll Music

Currently Active
Currently Active
Currently Active
Currently Active
Currently Active
Currently Active
Currently Active
Currently Active
Currently Active
Currently Active
Currently Active
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My first major project using Supabase was a basic music streaming site. Users can upload songs, search and listen to music, as well as like the songs they enjoy.


Full-Stack Web Development

Back-End Web Development



The system has several key user authentication and account management features designed to ensure that users have a seamless and secure experience:

  • Users can sign up using email and password
  • Users can log in using email and password
  • Users can sign up and log in using third party providers (Google and GitHub)
  • Users can log out
  • Users can reset their passwords

Music Streaming

The system has several music management features designed for users to enjoy their music online:

  • Users can upload their music
  • Users can like songs
  • Users can play songs using the built in player whether they are logged in or not
  • Users can search for songs